These revision tests (containing over 22,000 questions) are provided for students of Caledonian Advanced Pilot Training, or people self-certifying for exams who are using the study material from Electrocution Technical Publishers, covering the PPL through CPL to ATPL for aeroplanes and helicopters.
Although primarily formulated for the EASA pilot examinations (i.e. Europe), the questions are also suitable for other examinations around the world, and where they are not, special ones have been provided, particularly Canada. However, even if the EASA-type questions are a little overkill for your exams, we consider that you can never have too much knowledge! It would appear that Australian and South African exams are broadly similar to those of EASA, and New Zealand ones are similar to those in Canada. It must be stressed that these are not actual questions from the authorised databases but written in the same style so you can practice.
If you are not a CAPT student, you are welcome to use them with our goodwill for the moment - just remember us when you want the type of training we can provide for your EASA licence conversion - more information can be found at www.capt.gs.
Each test consists of 20 questions, with a 50-50 button that eliminates two wrong answers. There may also be an explanation, but that is the point of using our training materials!
Note: Charts are not to be used for navigation purposes. Some charts copyright Jeppesen, Inc. and Nav Canada. Used with permission.
Also Note: No liability is accepted if you fail your exams!